Caring School Award
Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College was awarded the “Caring School Award 2022”. We have received the “Caring School Award” in two consecutive years.
The “Caring School Award Scheme” has been jointly organized by the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) with the Hong Kong Association of Careers Master and Guidance Master (HKACMGM) and the Education Bureau since 2005. The scheme aims to recognize outstanding schools that devoted to the promotion of caring culture. The assessment criteria include the following 5 elements:
B –Belief: Implementation of the Caring School Belief
L – Leadership: Competence of School Leaders
E – Environment: School Policy, System and Culture
S – Support: Supports for Students, Parents and Teaching Staff
S – Sharing: Promotion of the Caring School Culture to the Community
Heartfelt thanks to all our staff for cultivating a caring culture in our school and we will continue to build a caring school and create a healthy and pleasant learning environment for our students!
保良局顏寶鈴書院榮獲 2022年度「關愛校園」榮譽。本校連續兩年榮獲「關愛校園」榮譽。
「關愛校園獎勵計劃」是由香港基督教服務處與香港輔導教師協會聯合主辦、香港教育局協辦,此計劃自 2005 年開始,目的是公開表揚推廣及實踐關愛文化及表現突出的學校,其評審準則有下列五項:
B - Belief: 推行關愛工作所持守的信念
L - Leadership: 領導者的領導才能
E - Environment: 有利孕育關愛文化配套、制度和氣氛等環境因素
S - Support: 對有需要者的實質支援
S - Sharing: 樂意交流分享感染其他人的能力
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